Ochéthi Šakówiŋ

It is important to remember that Indigenous territories do not match settler colonial boundaries. While the Dakhóta treaties involved land cessions in what is now Minnesota, this map shows how far the Ochéthi Šakówiŋ (the Seven Council Fires of the Dakhóta/Lakhóta/Nakhóta nation, historically referred to as the "Great Sioux Nation") ranged in their travels and settlements. The core area of what can be considered "Dakhóta homeland" would include all of Minnesota, parts of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Nebraska, all of North and South Dakota, part of Montana, and southern Canada above those states. Map courtesy of usdakotawar.org CC BY-NC-SA after "Aboriginal Map of North America denoting the Boundaries and Locations of various Indian Tribes." The House of Commons. Britain: 1857.